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Virtual Gatherings
Real Life Gathering Experience
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 2791 7422
Passcode: 743734
By Phone: 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 847 2791 7422
Passcode: 743734
Zoom info
Giving Information
Giving Info
At Real Life, we believe that giving is a profound joy that stands alone, separate from any and all conditions, which allows us to appreciate the flow of reciprocal abundance as a gift in and of itself.
“When you give your gifts, you are giving your life. Give your gifts like you do every part of you—gladly, on purpose, and in peace. Your life will thank you for it.” ~Pastor Miriam Niles
As we continue to develop our Resource page, please visit our Facebook page for Pastor Niles' most recent teachings.
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